Freedom Runners

A young Jewish teacher in Tel Aviv starts a running club for his students, the sons and daughters of African asylum seekers.  Their talent and commitment bring them to national races, but their lack of Israeli citizenship denies them the trophies and recognition they earn. Asylum seekers, whether in Israel or Maine, cannot return to their home countries and they face the same fight for their civil rights. The students speak of their dreams, fears and the pain of injustice with an unrehearsed eloquence. Jews know too well the helpless feeling of being strangers in a strange land.

film details

Documentary / Dir: David Wachsman /  2016 Israel-Sweden/ Hebrew, Arabic, English w/English subtitles /50 min


Solidarity Human Rights Film Festival; Woodstock Film Festival 2016

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Ain’t No Back to a Merry-Go-Round

Bad Shabbos

Call Me Dancer

Come Closer

Janis Ian: Breaking Silence

No Name Restaurant


The Goldman Case

The Klezmer Project

The Other

The Ride Ahead

The True Story of Tamara de Lempicka & The Art of Survival


Torah Tropical
