Think your family gatherings are stressful? Although Abe has lived all his life in Brooklyn, when he turns 13, the barely concealed agendas of his half Jewish Israeli, half Palestinian family suddenly seem to take over. With the guidance of a multicultural Brazilian chef, Abe learns that fusion doesn’t have to be confusion and starts to form his own identity. But will his family listen? This warm-hearted movie explores how food and culture can divide us, but also ultimately lead to greater understanding. Starring Noah Schnapp of Stranger Things.

Film presentation made possible by Ocean View at Falmouth.

“An enticing dramedy that wholeheartedly celebrates the potential for multicultural cuisine to unite people from distinctly different traditions” Hollywood Reporter

“Noah Schnapp Is a foodie with an identity crisis in Sundance charmer” Indiewire

Film Details: Comedy Drama/Dir:Fernando Grostein Andrade/ Starring Noah Schnapp/Seu Jorge/2019/USA, Brazil/85 min

Festivals: Sundance, San Francisco JFF,  National Center for Jewish Film Festival, Cleveland JFF, Jewish Int’l FF Australia, Milwaukee FF

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Bad Shabbos

Call Me Dancer

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Janis Ian: Breaking Silence

No Name Restaurant


The Goldman Case

The Klezmer Project

The Other

The Ride Ahead

The True Story of Tamara de Lempicka & The Art of Survival


Torah Tropical
