An MJFF curated program made up of seven short films that are provocative and powerful distillations of the human experience. From creative animation to slice of life realism, these films are both entertaining and thought-provoking.
The Forger – Animation and interview illuminate the experiences of a forger in the French Resistance.
Kid Yamaka – The story of how an Orthodox Jew finds his place in the boxing ring.
116 Cameras – This potential Oscar nominee explores new technology that will allow future generations to converse with Holocaust survivors long after they have died.
Holot – Fluid and beautiful animation highlights the stories of African immigrants to Israel.
The Cabinet Decision – The metaphor of conjoined twins illustrates the Middle East conflict through stunning animation.
A Night at the Garden – An unedited 1930’s newsreel is a chilling echo of current politics.
Across the Line – As Shabbat approaches, a Jewish settler picks up a Palestinian hitchhiker and they are both transformed.
Film Details
Various/ 93 min